April 28, 2011

Supernatural officially enters its 7th season!!!

Dear SPN fans~

As of April 26th, 2011, 
CW officially announces Supernatural is given an early renewal!!!


The following shows what CW said about the Supernatural's renewal announcement.

"The network also renewed fan favorite SUPERNATURAL
which enters its seventh season next year.   
In moving to Fridays last September,  
SUPERNATURAL immediately helped 
make The CW more competitive on the night 
and dramatically contributed to year-to-year gains 
on Friday of 66% in adults 18-34 and 60% in viewers."

This is what we, SPN fans have been desperately waiting for!!
Now what do we have to?

I can't wait til this fall....already...

Congrats!!!! All the SPN fans~

April 08, 2011

JIB2 - Misha ^ Sebastian^ Jared

A generous SPN fan
just uploaded 
the pic of Misha Collins & Sebastian Roche
on her Twitter, @Jenks1983.

Again, Misha never shows us his normalcy~

The another generous fan (@squeemonster)

"The guys stood for us to take pics of them & at 1 point Misha said "Lets do sexually ambiguous poses now" & SR kissed him on the cheek. ;D"

lol I wish I'd be one of them...


 This is Jared from JIB2 - La dolce vita


April 07, 2011

Misha Collins @ 2011 SPN Rome Convention

Dear SPN Fans

Misha Collins is in Rome, now~
as U c the pic, Balti uploaded on his twitter few hrs ago~
I have no idea how Misha flew to Rome from US.

MayB he just used his wings to fly to Rome    lol

 As u know, Chad & Richard twitted these on the board~

Source: Sebastian & Chad & Richard' Twitter

April 06, 2011

Director of SPN 6X18 "Frontierland" posted Jensen Ackles' pic

Guy Norman Bee,
the director of 
SPN 6X18 "Frontierland"
posted Jensen Ackles' pic
on his tweeter acc. today~

The man next to Jensen is the director, Guy Norman Bee.

SPN fan cropped only Jensen from the above pic.

Guy Norman Bee has been promoting 
the epic, "Frontierland"on Twitter.

Finally, he and Supernatural 411 made
the following promotion posters for fans.

Guy Norman Bee's twitter
Supernatural 411's Flickr


6X19 "Mommy Dearest" Description + Pics on Set

CW released 
SPN 6X19
"Mommy Dearest" 
Epic Description today...

Sam, Dean,Bobby and Castiel track Eve 
to a small town in Oregon. 
The guys discover 
the townspeople have been converted to demons, 
but surprisingly, they all appear to be dying. 
When they finally do meet Eve, 
she decides to torture the brothers 
by bringing back their mother,
Mary Winchester, as a demon.

John Showalter directed the episode 
written by Adam Glass (#619).

 What's going on Team SPN???

Eve's torturing Sam & Dean
by bringing back their mommy as a demon?????

This is just insane~~   :(

The pics R from the set of SPN 6X19

The epic description from Winchesterbros.com
The set pics from SPN Fans Online