Again, thanks to Canadagraphs,
I got another great pics of Misha~~
Canadagraphs wrote about how Misha was when they met Misha.

He winked at us~~~~
Maybe it was just cuz he's dazzling~ ;p

Like his curly hair~

He's having grapes and coffee as he talks to the crew~

This is exactly where the poor/rubbish CG come from..
Remember Castiel & an angel Rafael sent fell down to the ground on 6x3?
Dear SPN crew, I understand u guys are in a low budget,
but Can't U just put some more $ on making fine CG.
If u can't, just try not to use it @ all though~

While acting, check out Misha's facial expression in more depth.

Why don't they shoot at Toronto?
Toronto is also a part of Canada, but quite different from Vancouver. (I know)
Source: Shown on the pics.
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