April 03, 2011

Misha Collins on the set of 6X22

Misha's on the set of 6X22.

He looks so tired & is in a bad mood though.

Thank U for SPN fans in Vancouver 
So we could C what's going on w SPN shooting~

 OMG Is that a script, Misha's holding?
Me just wanna ask Hermes to steal it from...  ;p

Misha! what's U doin w ur cell? 
Plz give us some msg via twitter, Overlord~

Why is he frowning?
MayB he doesn't like to wear the trench-coat more?
BTW coat-less Misha or Castiel looks smokin-hot~
My nose just started bleeding badly  lol

U may have hard time 
to locate Misha in the following pics~
Give it a try~
If U R a minion, 
U should be able to locate him wherever he is...



Is he lowering his eyes? 
How adorable he is~

Source: SPN Fans Online

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