April 01, 2011

Misha's First play~

When actors start playing their first role anywhere,
they always look so fresh~

Our overload is one of them!

Thanks to one of the greatest Misha Collins' fans,

we got this!!!

This pic of Young Misha Collins, doing his first playing~

Look at that trench-coat, Young Misha's wearing!

Isn't that so familiar to U??

Yeah, I guess Misha has to wear the trench-coat by
his ineluctable destiny.  ;p


The person, who possess the original file of Misha's first play, 
is waiting for a permission from Misha Collins now, 
so she can post it on the Internet~

It you have twitter acc.,
Can you plz tell @mishacollins to answer for it???

Source: westofserenity @ tumblr

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