Last night,
thanks to great SPN fans,
I was able to get Supernatural 6X22 Behind the scene
and some spoilers.
They took some pics of Jim, Misha as well as J2!!!
First, It's Jim Beaver, The Uncle Bobby~ with the great fan of SPN.
Jim was frustrated with those loud seagulls in Downtown Vancouver!!!
He came over and talked to her for a while.
Jim even called them "SICK." lol

There's Misha in the mid of pic,
and U know there's Jim just standing beside the blue-coloured dumpster.

Jared w a fan~on Mar 31, 2011

Jensen w a fan on Mar. 31, 2011.
He always looks fresh, handsome & even cute~

It's Victorian Hotel on Vancouver,
SPN took shooting around there on March 31 for Season 6X22,the finale.

This looks kind of notice, given to ppl, living around the areas where SPN shot 6X22.
If U read this carefully, U 'll get some scenes described briefly.

a pic of Impala on the scene!!

BTW. the shooting was done around 1:30am on April 1.
According to @canadagraphs,
the last scene they shot was Jared's going into a hotel with a girl!!!!
(WTF! Hope it's not what i'm thinking U r thinking I'm thinking)
Jared noticed about some fans waiting on the set,
but didn't come over unfortunately~ :(
Today, April 1, Friday, is the last day of shooting SPN season 6 in the studio~
As Balthazar, @sebroche, said that he'd post
some pics from the set when starting shooting today~
Plz, Balti, give us some new photos with Misha~
Of course, we want ur pics, too~
Source: @KJneely @Canadagraphs & Supernatural Fan Online
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